Participants can register through this Link

What’s TIFL?

TIFL (Test of Indonesian as a Foreign Language) is a test instrument aimed at measuring foreigners’ Indonesian language competence. It is developed by the TIFL Arrangement Tim of INCULS, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

TIFL is a special test instrument used to determine the foreigners’ Indonesian proficiency competence. By following the TIFL test, foreigners or international visitors may have the idea how well they learn Indonesian, and understand the level of their ability to listen, speak, read, and write in Indonesian. The TIFL has also been designed in such a way to assist foreigners improve their Indonesian.

TIFL has been tested to foreigners from various nationalities with different mother tongues, such as English (England, USA, Australia and Singapore), Indo-European (Germany, Dutch, Russia and France), Afro-Asian (Egypt, Arab), Asian (Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, China, Thailand) and so on.

Who Takes TIFL?

TIFL has been speially designed for foreigners who speak Indonesian as a foreign language and who want to improve their level of skills in Indonesia, People from overseas are recommended to have their knowledge of Indonesian tested. TIFL is also useful for International students wishing to study in Indonesian for academic degrees or for personal interests.

How’s TIFL Implementation?

TIFL is held in an institution which offers Indonesian courses and which is recommended and authorized by INCULS, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. All test materials for TIFL are supplied by INCULS.

The duration of the TIFL test is 150 minutes. The participants will receive the result in the form of scores which show their proficiency in Indonesian language. The scores can be used for various purposes in all parts of Indonesia. Join Us!

Requirements of Registration

1. The test free

2. Participants need to register at INCULS at least a week before the test

Other Requirements

1. Participants who are 10 minutes or more late to the class room will have to reschedule the test.

2. Pencils and erasers will be brought by the participants.

UGM’s Test of Indonesian as a Foreign Language (TIFL) Schedule




9:00 am – 11:30 am

TIFL (Test of Indonesian as a Foreign Language) (5 section)

R. 506 (Gedung Soegondo)