
Fatkhurrohman, AcEPT test participant, during the reading session

Pusat Bahasa UGM’s Commitment in Inclusive Education

Guaranteed access to inclusive and equal education is the key to improving quality of life. Having access to quality education is a right of all people without any exceptions. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) put the education as one of the main goals in point 4: Quality Education, along with the target to eliminate discrimination in education for vulnerable groups, one of which is diffabled people. By guaranteeing equal access to education for diffabled people, we hope that global development can lead to the realisation of point 10: Reduced Inequalities. Pusat Bahasa UGM (UGM Language Center) has the honour to participate in the efforts to eradicate discrimination against disabled groups in education in the AcEPT test that was held on July 10, 2024.

Fatkhurrohman, visually impaired, participated in the AcEPT test on that day. The day before the test, the 24-year-old man went to UGM Language Center’s office to notify us of his condition. Knowing that a participant is diffabled, AcEPT testing operators team immediately made changes to the system, including preparing a special room, searching for an officer to read the questions, and arranging new schedule with additional time. Although this was the first time he took the AcEPT test at UGM Language Center, Fathur said he was very happy and felt that the facilities provided are really helpful, especially because the officer from UGM Language Center read the English test questions fluently and smoothly, according to him. For visually impaired people like him, the reading skills of the officers greatly make the test easier.

On the other hand, Fathur told us that test organisers should pay more attention to the types and forms of questions used so that they can facilitate diffabled participants. For example, for visually diffabled people, questions in the form of graphs and tables can be adjusted. Previously, UGM Language Center had received teman Tuli (Deaf friends) as AcEPT test participants. The AcEPT testing operators team adjusted the questions used and eliminated the Listening session specifically for teman Tuli who participated in the test.

Whatever the result he gets, Fathur told us that he will study more to take another English proficiency test again. This UIN Sunan Kalijaga’s graduate hopes that in the future there will be more and more institutions that are diffabled-friendly and implement inclusivity values. UGM Language Centre, as an agent that actively strives for inclusivity and equity in education, will always open its doors to diffabled friends who want to use our services.

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Visitation from Pondok Modern Selamat 3 Batam to Pusat Bahasa

On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, Pusat Bahasa at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada welcomed a group of enthusiastic students from Pondok Modern Selamat 3 Batam who were keen on enhancing their English skills. The visitation took place in the Language Laboratory room 616, Soegondo Building, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada where students were introduced to a world of English language learning opportunities. As a result, this visitation opened a new horizon for the students of Pondok Modern Selamat 3 Batam to gain knowledge on how to learn English and what English tests available at university scope, which further sparks their learning interest.

Accompanied by their teachers, 15 students from Pondok Modern Selamat 3 Batam embarked on this educational journey, absorbing insights shared by a Pusat Bahasa staff member. They listened attentively to the detailed information about the importance of learning English, services offered at Pusat Bahasa, and units at Pusat Bahasa that can assist them in engaging with foreign languages.

During the interactive Q&A session, the students showed great interest in learning about the importance of English proficiency and the various services provided by Pusat Bahasa. Furthermore, the students eagerly participated by raising their hands and asking questions during the question and answer session. Some students questioned the difference between English tests such as AcEPT, TOEFL, and IELTS while others expressed their interest in taking English tests to assist them in enrolling at their dream universities. With detailed responses to their questions given by the speaker, the students were able to obtain valuable information and direction on which test they should take based on their specific goals.

All in all, this visitation not only familiarized the students of Pondok Modern Selamat 3 Batam with Pusat Bahasa but also equipped them with valuable insights into English language tests and foreign language learning, empowering them for their future endeavours.

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Penyelenggaraan Upacara Pembukaan Program English Academic of Purposes Bappenas oleh Pusat Bahasa FIB UGM

Yogyakarta, 16 April 2024 – Pusat Bahasa Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada (FIB UGM) dengan bangga menyelenggarakan acara pembukaan untuk program English Academic of Purposes (EAP) bekerja sama dengan Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas). Acara ini menandai dimulainya program EAP yang disesuaikan untuk para penerima beasiswa DXHR (Development of Exhaustive Human Resources) di bawah Pusbindiklatren Bappenas untuk tahun 2024.

Acara yang diselenggarakan di gedung FIB UGM dihadiri oleh tokoh-tokoh terkemuka dari dunia akademis dan lembaga pemerintah. Prof. Dr. Setiadi, M.Si, Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM, menjadi pembuka acara tersebut. Keberadaan dan dukungannya menegaskan pentingnya meningkatkan keunggulan akademis dan kerjasama internasional dalam lanskap pendidikan Indonesia.

Menemani Prof. Setiadi adalah Bapak Wignyo Adiyoso, S.Sos, MA, Ph.D., Kepala Pusbindiklatren Bappenas, bersama dengan timnya dan seluruh calon karyasiswa. Bapak Pandu Pradana, yang mewakili Pusbindiklatren Bappenas, menyampaikan presentasi yang menginspirasi, menjelaskan tujuan program, skema, dan hasil yang diantisipasi.

Program EAP menjadi bukti komitmen Indonesia dalam membina sekelompok profesional yang sangat terampil dengan kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang lancar dan keunggulan akademis. Peserta program ini dijadwalkan untuk memulai perjalanan pendidikan transformatif, dimulai dengan tahun pertama studi Master di Indonesia. Tahap ini dari pengejaran akademis mereka didanai oleh Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (PPN)/Bappenas.

Namun, cakupan program ini melampaui batas negara. Setelah menyelesaikan tahun pertama mereka, peserta akan memiliki kesempatan berharga untuk melanjutkan studi di salah satu universitas mitra kami di Jepang. Tahun studi berikutnya akan didukung oleh Badan Kerjasama Internasional Jepang (JICA), tidak hanya memfasilitasi pengayaan akademis tetapi juga mempromosikan pertukaran lintas budaya dan kerjasama internasional.

Program EAP menggambarkan semangat kerjasama, keunggulan, dan keterlibatan global. Ini menjadi mercusuar harapan untuk masa depan, di mana individu berbakat diberdayakan untuk berkontribusi secara bermakna terhadap lintasan pembangunan Indonesia sambil menjalin ikatan yang langgeng dengan masyarakat global. Saat kita merayakan peresmian inisiatif transformatif ini, kita berharap untuk menyaksikan prestasi dan kontribusi luar biasa dari para pesertanya dalam tahun-tahun mendatang.

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Peningkatan Pelayanan Civitas Akademika UGM bagi Mahasiswa Disabilitas Demi Terciptanya Inklusivitas

Pada Jumat tanggal 16 Februari 2024, Pusat Bahasa FIB UGM mengadakan lokakarya peningkatan pelayanan untuk disabilitas, khususnya bagi civitas akademika FIB UGM, dalam upaya mendukung pengayaan bahasa peserta LPDP. Acara dimulai dengan sambutan dari Dekan FIB UGM, Prof. Dr. Setiadi, M.Si., dan dilanjutkan dengan sesi diskusi yang dipandu oleh Ibu Wuri Handayani, S.E., Ak., M.Si., M.A., Ph.D. Diskusi tersebut melibatkan mahasiswa disabilitas UGM dari berbagai fakultas sebagai narasumber. 

Ibu Wuri membuka sesi diskusi dengan memberikan pemahaman mengenai etika berinteraksi dengan penyandang disabilitas. Selama sesi tanya jawab, mahasiswa disabilitas UGM yang didampingi oleh UKM Peduli Difabel UGM aktif berpartisipasi. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh peserta lokakarya mencakup berbagai aspek, terutama terkait dengan cara menghadapi mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas agar kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas menjadi lebih inklusif.

Diharapkan bahwa melalui kegiatan ini, pelayanan dari civitas akademika FIB UGM terhadap peserta penyandang disabilitas dalam pengayaan bahasa LPDP dapat meningkat dan lebih tepat sasaran. Lokakarya ini memberikan platform untuk saling belajar dan membangun pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang kebutuhan serta cara terbaik untuk mendukung inklusivitas di lingkungan akademik.

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Mengenal Fasilitas di UGM: Orientasi Peserta Pengayaan Bahasa LPDP UGM 2024

Mengenal fasilitas di UGM menjadi pengalaman yang tak terlupakan bagi peserta Pengayaan Bahasa LPDP UGM 2024. UGM memberikan peluang yang setara bagi peserta pengayaan bahasa, memastikan bahwa mereka dapat merasakan nuansa kampus sebagaimana mahasiswa UGM lainnya. Pusat Bahasa FIB UGM memainkan peran penting dengan mengadakan kegiatan orientasi kampus pada 19 Februari 2024, bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia.

Selama kegiatan tersebut, peserta didampingi oleh staf dan civitas akademika Pusat Bahasa FIB UGM, menjadikan mereka lebih akrab dengan lingkungan kampus.
Orientasi ini tidak hanya memperkenalkan fasilitas umum, tetapi juga fokus pada pengenalan mobilitas di kampus untuk mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas, terutama disabilitas netra dan pengguna kursi roda. Dalam upaya meningkatkan aksesibilitas, Safirotu Khoir, Ph.D., pustakawan Perpustakaan Pusat UGM, turut serta menyampaikan informasi mengenai perpustakaan. Pengenalan ini melibatkan distribusi kartu aktivasi peminjaman buku di Perpustakaan Pusat UGM, yang terintegrasi dengan perpustakaan FIB UGM. Peserta tidak hanya dapat menjelajahi kampus, tetapi juga merasakan antusiasme dalam memanfaatkan fasilitas peminjaman buku dan ruang belajar di perpustakaan.

Kesempatan untuk mengenal fasilitas di UGM melalui orientasi Pengayaan Bahasa LPDP tidak hanya memberikan wawasan praktis, tetapi juga meningkatkan semangat belajar dan eksplorasi bagi peserta. Dengan fasilitas yang terbuka untuk semua, UGM terus berkomitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan inklusif yang mendukung perkembangan setiap individu, termasuk peserta Pengayaan Bahasa LPDP.

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IISMA Preparation 2024: Empowering Dreams and Achieving SDG 4 through Real Actions

In a dedicated effort to empower students of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and strive towards achieving SDG 4 – Quality Education, Pusat Bahasa organized a free IISMA Preparation during the winter break of 2024. The primary objective of this initiative was to provide support to FIB students aspiring to participate in IISMA Program 2024, which is part of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology’s broader initiative, the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Programs. Held each morning from January 22nd to February 2nd, 2024, the bootcamp served as a platform to equip students with essential skills and strategies crucial for participation in IISMA Program 2024.

The mentoring team, comprising Adiba Qonita Zahroh, S.S., M.Litt., Alvanita, M.Ed., and Diyah Ayu Puspitasari, S.S., M.A., played a pivotal role in guiding students through the intricacies of essay writing and interview strategies. Their collective expertise aimed to enhance the students’ chances of becoming recipients of the IISMA Program awards. By delving into these key aspects, the bootcamp not only offered valuable academic insights but also contributed to the personal and professional development of the participating students.

Beyond skill development, IISMA Preparation 2024 also provided tangible benefits for active participants. Students who attended a minimum of 70% of the sessions were entitled to receive a chance for the Academic English Proficiency Test (AcEPT) at Pusat Bahasa FIB UGM for free. This added incentive further reinforced the university’s commitment to fostering holistic growth and creating opportunities for students to excel both academically and beyond.

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IISMA Preparation 2024: Mewujudkan Impian dan Mencapai SDG 4 melalui Aksi Nyata

Dalam upaya yang penuh dedikasi untuk memberdayakan mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (FIB) di Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) dan berusaha mencapai SDG 4 – Pendidikan Berkualitas, Pusat Bahasa menyelenggarakan IISMA Preparation secara gratis pada libur akhir semester. Tujuan utama dari inisiatif ini adalah memberikan dukungan kepada mahasiswa FIB yang bercita-cita untuk berpartisipasi dalam Program IISMA 2024, yang merupakan bagian dari inisiatif Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi, yaitu Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). Berlangsung setiap pagi mulai 22 Januari hingga 2 Februari 2024, bootcamp ini berfungsi sebagai platform untuk membekali mahasiswa dengan keterampilan dan strategi yang esensial untuk berpartisipasi dalam Program IISMA 2024.

Para mentor berpengalaman yang terdiri dari Adiba Qonita Zahroh, S.S., M.Litt., Alvanita, M.Ed., dan Diyah Ayu Puspitasari, S.S., M.A. memainkan peran yang krusial dalam membimbing mahasiswa melalui kompleksitas menulis esai dan strategi wawancara. Keahlian kolektif mereka bertujuan untuk meningkatkan peluang mahasiswa untuk berpartisipasi dalam Program IISMA 2024. Dengan mengeksplorasi aspek-aspek kunci ini, bootcamp tidak hanya menawarkan wawasan akademis berharga tetapi juga berkontribusi pada pengembangan pribadi dan profesional mahasiswa yang berpartisipasi.

Di luar pengembangan keterampilan, IISMA Preparation 2024 juga memberikan manfaat nyata bagi peserta yang aktif dalam mengikuti kegiatan ini. Mahasiswa yang menghadiri setidaknya 70% sesi berhak mendapatkan kesempatan untuk Tes Profisiensi Bahasa Inggris Akademis (AcEPT) di Pusat Bahasa FIB UGM tanpa dipungut biaya. Insentif tambahan ini lebih memperkuat komitmen universitas untuk mendorong pertumbuhan holistik dan menciptakan peluang bagi mahasiswa untuk berkembang baik secara akademis maupun nonakademis.

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Decoding the Use of Language: How Men and Women Speak Different Social Tunes

Ever wonder why men and women sometimes seem like they’re speaking different languages? Linguists have been digging into this mystery, going beyond vocabulary differences to explore how men and women communicate in unique ways. This article aims to discover the fascinating world of gender-specific language patterns, pulling insights from reliable sources to give you the lowdown on this captivating aspect of human interaction.

Communication Styles: Reading Between the Lines

When it comes to social interactions, men and women often showcase distinct communication styles. Women, in particular, have a knack for using implicit language, especially when expressing their wants or likes. Picture this: you’re on a date, and your girlfriend doesn’t outright say where she’d like to go. Instead, she drop hints, leaving it to you to play detective and figure out their unspoken preferences. This tendency aligns with what linguists have found – women often use subtle communication strategies to get their point across (Lakoff, 1975).

Tag Questions and Rising Intonation: The Women’s Secret Language

One of the landmark studies on gender-specific language use, led by Deborah Tannen in 1975, shed light on the prevalence of tag questions in women’s speech. Tannen argued that women deploy tag questions as a way of hedging, adding a touch of uncertainty or seeking reassurance. She also pointed out that women frequently use rising intonation on statements, making them sound like questions. This linguistic quirk adds a layer of complexity to women’s communication, requiring a nuanced interpretation to grasp their intended meaning.

Different Strokes: Men vs. Women in Language

Linguists have delved into the intriguing differences in emphasis between men’s and women’s language, shedding light on unique communication styles. Research indicates that men typically prioritize conveying information, striving for clarity and directness. In contrast, women often assign a higher significance to social connections and the cultivation of relationships (Tannen, 1990). For instance, women may engage in sharing gossip as a means to foster and maintain relationships among themselves (Tannen, 1991). This communication practice, far from being trivial, serves as a social bonding mechanism, strengthening connections within their social circles. On the other hand, men tend to share information selectively, focusing on relaying pertinent and crucial details.

In conclusion, the use of language between men and women unfolds as a multifaceted phenomenon, intricately woven with various linguistic nuances. Deborah Tannen’s groundbreaking work in 1975 marked a significant milestone, offering a gateway to a deeper comprehension of these distinctive communication styles. The delicacy inherent in women’s language, coupled with their strong emphasis on social connections, contributes to the rich tapestry of human communication. Importantly, recognizing and appreciating these nuanced differences in language aligns with the global pursuit of achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 – Gender Equality. SDG 5 emphasizes the importance of dismantling gender stereotypes and promoting equal opportunities in various spheres, including communication. As our understanding of gender differences in language continues to evolve, it becomes increasingly crucial to consider these nuances not only for enhancing interpersonal communication but also as part of a broader commitment to fostering gender equality. By acknowledging and valuing the unique ways in which men and women communicate, we contribute to creating a more inclusive and respectful world. 


Lakoff, R. (1975). Language and Woman’s Place. Harper & Row.

Tannen, D. (1975). You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation. William Morrow and Company, Inc.

Tannen, D. (1990). You’re Wearing THAT?: Understanding Mothers and Daughters in Conversation. Random House.

Tannen, D. (19911990). You just don’t understand: women and men in conversation. 1st Ballantine Books ed. New York, Ballantine.

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Discovering the Journey of Sarah Natasha: A Glimpse into Her IISMA Experience

Embarking on the adventure of studying in a foreign land is a dream cherished by numerous people. For Sarah Natasha, a lively student in the English department at Universitas Gadjah Mada, this dream became a reality through the esteemed International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA). Let’s explore Sarah’s journey, dreams, and the profound influence her time at the University of York had on her.

Sarah’s journey began with a serendipitous discovery of the IISMA program through her department’s students association (IMAJI) social media account. Aiming to provide students with a global perspective, IISMA caught Sarah’s attention, especially as it offered a full scholarship to study abroad, a dream she had nurtured for a long time. Supported by her parents’ encouragement to join the program, Sarah’s decision to apply was fueled by her desire to explore the world and pursue academic excellence in an international setting.

Selecting the perfect university was a big deal for Sarah, especially with so many excellent choices provided by IISMA. Though she was initially unsure, a last-minute decision ended up defining her entire journey. Getting all the necessary documents ready turned out to be tough, dealing with lots of letters and financial details. Luckily, being in the English department made writing the essay easier, and the interview, despite initial worries, turned out to be quite manageable.

Sarah’s participation in the IISMA program expanded her awareness of global issues, emphasizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Her group’s focus on food waste during the pre-departure SDG program ignited a passion for combating environmental challenges. In her host country, Sarah and her group contributed to social causes by donating clothes, home, and kitchen equipment to organizations like the British Heart Foundation and the Indonesian community. The experience highlighted the significance of giving to those in need, even for items considered insignificant for her.

The enchantment often associated with studying abroad faded in comparison to the reality Sarah faced. Yet, the true essence of the experience lay in the profound learning journey, encompassing academic growth and adaptation to a new environment. Sarah discovered the precious nature of the memories she created with newfound friends, emphasizing that the value of her experience transcended the picturesque images shared on social media.

Sarah’s journey through the IISMA program showcases the complexity, challenges, and invaluable lessons inherent in studying abroad. From navigating the application process to contributing meaningfully to SDGs, her story exemplifies the transformative power of international education. As Sarah continues her academic journey, her experiences serve as inspiration for others aspiring to embark on their own global adventures.

Considering the need for good preparations, Pusat Bahasa FIB UGM plays a crucial role in facilitating students to achieve their goals of studying abroad. The center provides a free comprehensive annual language programs that are tailored to meet the language proficiency requirements of various international universities. Through intensive language courses, students enhance their English language skills, ensuring they meet the necessary standards for admission to overseas academic institutions. Additionally, Pusat Bahasa FIB UGM offers guidance on standardized tests, such as TOEFL and IELTS, which are often prerequisites for admission. The center also assists students in developing essential communication skills, cultural awareness, and adaptability, preparing them for the challenges of studying in a foreign environment. By fostering a supportive learning environment, Pusat Bahasa FIB UGM plays a pivotal role in empowering students like Sarah to successfully pursue their academic aspirations abroad.

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English Translation and Editing

Klasifikasi Penerjemah

  1. Penerjemah tersumpah adalah seorang ahli bahasa yang telah lulus berbagai kualifikasi dan memiliki sertifikat penerjemahan resmi yang diterbitkan oleh Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia. Pada umumnya, penerjemah tersumpah menerjemahkan dokumen tertentu yang berhubungan dengan legalitas dokumen tersebut.
  2. Penerjemah biasa merupakan penerjemah yang menerjemahkan hal-hal yang tidak berkaitan dengan legalitas, seperti produk tertentu dan film.




Transaksi minimal adalah Rp150.000 (250 kata terjemahan). Apabila dokumen kurang dari 250 kata, maka harga jasa akan disesuaiakn dengan transaksi minimum yaitu Rp150.000

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