Visitation from Pondok Modern Selamat 3 Batam to Pusat Bahasa


On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, Pusat Bahasa at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada welcomed a group of enthusiastic students from Pondok Modern Selamat 3 Batam who were keen on enhancing their English skills. The visitation took place in the Language Laboratory room 616, Soegondo Building, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada where students were introduced to a world of English language learning opportunities. As a result, this visitation opened a new horizon for the students of Pondok Modern Selamat 3 Batam to gain knowledge on how to learn English and what English tests available at university scope, which further sparks their learning interest.

Accompanied by their teachers, 15 students from Pondok Modern Selamat 3 Batam embarked on this educational journey, absorbing insights shared by a Pusat Bahasa staff member. They listened attentively to the detailed information about the importance of learning English, services offered at Pusat Bahasa, and units at Pusat Bahasa that can assist them in engaging with foreign languages.

During the interactive Q&A session, the students showed great interest in learning about the importance of English proficiency and the various services provided by Pusat Bahasa. Furthermore, the students eagerly participated by raising their hands and asking questions during the question and answer session. Some students questioned the difference between English tests such as AcEPT, TOEFL, and IELTS while others expressed their interest in taking English tests to assist them in enrolling at their dream universities. With detailed responses to their questions given by the speaker, the students were able to obtain valuable information and direction on which test they should take based on their specific goals.

All in all, this visitation not only familiarized the students of Pondok Modern Selamat 3 Batam with Pusat Bahasa but also equipped them with valuable insights into English language tests and foreign language learning, empowering them for their future endeavours.